Privacy Policy


In the ordinary course of business, Finlaw Associates collects, processes, stores and shares personal information pertaining to its employees, its clients, and others. Obtaining this information is important to our ability to conduct our operations and to deliver the highest level of service, but we also recognise that you expect us to treat this information appropriately and in accordance with applicable laws and regulation. This policy sets out basic principles for collecting, using, storing, disclosing and protecting personal information consistent with Indian information security laws and associated regulations. This policy may be changed from time to time without notice or consent and the person providing this information agrees to such changes being made.

The Personal Information We Collect

In this policy, “personal Information” means any information related to a natural living person(s) that directly or indirectly in combination with other information that we have or are likely to obtain, allows us to identify such person(s). Examples of personal information includes but is not limited to: name, e-mail and residence addresses, telephone numbers, photographs, all employment-related and compensation-related information, and government-issued identification numbers. Finlaw Associates also may collect and process certain personal information constituting “sensitive personal information” under applicable law. This includes information such as payment instructions and bank account details, physical or mental health condition, medical records and history, and information received by Finlaw Associates from third parties under contract for processing.

Use of Information Received From You

We use non-personally identifiable information to analyse site usage (such as aggregated information on the pages visited by our users), which allows us to improve the design and content of our web site. We also hold your contact information in our marketing database and occasionally we may contact you with our legal updates, newsletters, greetings, events and seminars that we hold, which we refer to as Marketing Communications. In the ordinary course, we use personal information you provide to respond to your inquiry or process a recruitment request application form you have consented to and completed on our website. We also use this information for internal purposes to send Finlaw Associates Marketing Communications as mentioned above. We will not contact you about other matters, unless you specifically request it, nor will we share, rent, or sell your personally identifiable information outside Finlaw Associates, except where we are required to share your information with any third parties to provide services to you. However, we cannot guarantee the privacy of personal information you transmit over the web or that may not be securely transmitted.

Disclosing Personal Information

Finlaw Associates does not disclose your personal information to third parties, except as described in this policy. Third-party disclosures may include sharing such information with service providers such as those providing professional, legal or accounting advice in the course of providing services to you as per the terms of engagement. Such service providers are required to maintain confidentiality of such personal information and sensitive personal information and to use it only in the course of providing such services and only for the purposes authorised by Finlaw Associates. We may also disclose personal information to fulfil client instructions, to protect our rights and interests and those of our business partners, or pursuant to your express consent. Finally, under limited circumstances, your personal information may be disclosed to third parties, Government Bodies etc. as permitted by, or to comply with, applicable laws and regulations or cooperate with law enforcement or regulatory authorities.

Information Security Practices and Procedures

Finlaw Associates limits access to personal information to authorized firm employees, associates, partners and officers and, as described above in ‘Disclosing Personal Information’, our service providers are held to stringent standards of privacy. Finlaw Associates maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect the information against loss, misuse, damage or modification and unauthorized access or disclosure. Some of the other central features of our information security program are:

The use of specialized technology such as firewalls.

Testing of the security and operability of products and services by the IT department before they are introduced to the Internet, as well as ongoing scanning for publicly known vulnerabilities in the technology. Implementing controls to identify, authenticate and authorize access to various systems or sites. Restricting use of external data devices on Finlaw Associates systems. Implementing controls to identify, authenticate and authorize access to various systems or sites. Providing Finlaw Associates personnel with relevant training and continually updating our security practices in light of new risks and developments in technology.


Should you have any grievances about the processing of your personal information, you may contact Finlaw Associates with respect to Data Protection and Privacy related complaints at [email protected]. All email messages sent to and from may be monitored with the objective of ensuring compliance with internal policies and to protect our business.


The management of Finlaw Associates can modify this Policy unilaterally at any time without notice. Modification may be necessary, among other reasons, to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations or accommodate organizational changes within the firm.

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